Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Early December mutterings

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in WINGs world. We had our Jamie@Home fundraiser on November 24th. Nice to see people out of our normal environment. We raised £55.50 which was somewhat plundered by the refreshments, but it was fun and that’s the main thing! (Yet again, a noticeable lack of photos – sack the camera woman!)

Adele made an announcement about a new arrival in May. Exciting stuff! Pic of Baby Brown to follow….

And we had our December meeting – Crafts for Christmas. Thanks to Kate, Julie, Ang and Sarah. We are all now multi-talented and can rustle up a gingerbread house, xmas cards, button jewellery and lovely little angels. We should be able to get the template for the angels if anyone wants to try making them at home. There was much cake and many nibbles and altogether I thought it was a jolly pleasant evening. 

Thanks to Roz for photos this time!  For some reason, this blog thingy will only let me load one photo on this page.  Might try again later and see if I can get it to work.

I was looking forward to putting more pics up - this time from our first skittles night, but sadly due to inclement weather and incapacitated players, the game was cancelled.  No doubt it will be rebooked and there will be triumph or humiliation in the new year.

Don't forget to get in touch if you're interested in the book club, stitch and bitch or golf.  Also signing up for wine tasting, food fair in September, breadmaking in October.  We could also use some idea of numbers for our Spring Ball in May.

Cheers all

Mandy x

Sunday, 7 November 2010

November meeting and Update

It’s not every day I volunteer to have needles stuck in my arm and then have an electrical charge passed through them in front of a grinning audience, but hey – the things you do for your W.I.

November’s meeting another success methinks. Naomi from The Harmonies, the W.I.’s own girl band, dragged herself away from Peter Andre in Longwell Green Asda to come and talk to us about the album, her tv appearances and how we’re all going to get Jerusalem to number 1 for xmas (download from i-tunes on December 12th please).

Lots of tea, wine and cake while we tried to get round some technical difficulties (2 laptops, 2 projectors and a memory stick and we still couldn’t get powerpoint going). Fortunately, our star turn for the night, Dr Freya Scott managed to talk us through the mysteries of acupuncture with only the help of a small white plastic man, and a not-so-small W.I. president. Fascinating stuff, lots of questions, really enjoyable. 

Friday, 8 October 2010

October meeting and AGM

Despite a slightly tardy entrance by half of the committee, the evening got off to a good start. 12 new people there which is brilliant news. We kicked off with the AGM, some nice short reports from the committee and, after a bit of coercion from Daphne, a show of hands (and hopefully, therefore, support) from the masses to keep the incumbent pres, treasurer and secretary (is that because they like us, because they know no better, or because nobody else wants to do the job??)

Bit of a break for important stuff like wine and cake, then we moved swiftly (ish) onto our speaker Adrian Boots who chatted to us for about 45 mins about wild food, foraging, and the perils or otherwise of purple mushrooms. Woe betide any who dig up a horseradish that doesn’t belong to them! Really interesting stuff and a lovely speaker (sadly, no hat). Might keep him to ourselves, might share him with the rest of the W.I. – haven’t quite decided yet!

We had a brief introduction to Transition Keynsham http://keynshamt.wordpress.com/ from Laura, and then, the bit you’d thought you’d got away with, the President’s Ramblings. Finally, Chris flogged us all some sloe gin and chutney, and I think everyone went away spent up but happy.

I’ve already sent most of the reminders by email but just confirmed the date for the Jamie @ Home evening (chez moi). This will be Wednesday November 24th. Please let me know if you’d like to come to that. All proceeds will come back to our W.I. rather than end up as gifts for the host.

Once again, help with begging for raffle prizes would be gratefully received and offers of good stuff grabbed with both hands.

Actually remembered to take photos this time – unfortunately, focus doesn’t appear to be a strong point. Perhaps we should appoint a photographer. Any volunteers?

Monday, 27 September 2010

Don't know my own address!

No wonder you're not all hammering on my email door to share your ideas and suggestions - I gave you the wrong email address!

Sitting back now, waiting for the onslaught......

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Summer holidays - finally!

Life's been so hectic at the minute, lots of family stuff going on so I'm afraid I've been neglecting the blog.  There's lots to say (and so little time).  We're planning a bake sale for Children in Need.  Could use some suggestions as to venue, date, general logistics!
Also, one of the things I was supposed to mention at the meeting (but forgot) is that we're hoping to start up some subgroups within WINGs and are planning a "job fair" style start to the meeting in November.  Anyone who wants to form a group (wine guzzling society, reading, film group, knitting circle, rock choir - whatever floats your boat) can put up a stall and make your pitch.  See how many others are interested in your thing and get your group together.  If there's something you fancy, email me wingskeynsham@hotmail.com and let me know.  If we get duplicates, I can put you in touch with each other and you can share your stand.  Anyway, that's the plan, hope it makes sense.

I'm going now.  Have just checked the weather for Kyrenia (Cyprus) and after months of glorious sunshine, it's forecast for rain and a 10 degree drop in temperature for the first 2 days we're there.  Bristol, of course, will be dry!

Back at the end of the month - hope y'all don't miss me too much!
Mandy x

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Dancing Shoes

Our September meeting has a slight change.  Where once we would have zumba'd, now we shall salsa!
Should be a good night with a chance to learn some steps and also see a demonstration of how it ought to be done.  Thanks to Sam Vernon for stepping in at the last minute.
Don't forget your dancing shoes (no trainers or flipflops!)


Sunday, 8 August 2010

August meeting

Yet again I forgot to take photos - I  would have liked to have had evidence of the chaos that ensued whilst trying to put chairs into 2 circles for a bit of introductory 'speed dating'.  In the end, we left them where they were and everyone just chinwagged with whoever they'd ended up next to.  Not quite as organised as planned, but the end result was the same. 

August brought wine to the meetings!  with a new system of vouchers, and Ang brought cake to the meeting (a lemon drizzle - very nice).  Mel from Melanie's Kitchen brought canapes and a list of instructions and I think everyone went home with nice full tums.

We had a chat about getting involved with the Girl Guides campaign about airbrushing.  Julie, our resident Guide Leader has sent these links for more information and to sign the petition. 

The petition: https://gguk.wufoo.com/forms/girlguiding-uk-against-airbrushing/

And a couple of videos to give people a better understanding of what is involved when we say something has been 'photoshop'd':
this has flashing images, but interesting nonetheless:
and this site has the best mistakes that gets you really looking at images and how things are presented to people as if they were fact:
Many volunteering opportunities also mentioned - see your emails for a reminder!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  See you next month
Mandy x

Thursday, 8 July 2010

First meeting at Fear Hall

The first meeting at Fear Hall went well.  We had 14 people, some of them new.  We already had apologies from folk who were going to be away or had other prior engagements so we were quite pleased with that.  Have to admit it was a little daunting with 2 of the committee members not able to be there.  We hadn't met since the launch so I was winging it a little (pun intended).

William Hanson http://williamhanson.co.uk/ from The English Manner came and gave us a talk about etiquette, concentrating on the dos and don'ts of Facebook and Twitter.  He also came up with some other random gems in the question and answer session at the end such as how to curtsey, how (and why and when) to eat asparagus with your left hand, and who should go first through a revolving door.  You weren't at the meeting? you may never know...

Tea, coffee and biscuits were on offer, but no drinks as we hadn't sorted out licensing arrangements.  Done that now so next time we'll be able to have a glass of wine whilst we watch Mel from Melanie's Kitchen in Downend show us how to make fantastic canapes. 

No pictures this time so this post looks dull but will hopefully get some at the next meeting.

Lots of other new W.I.s are now following the blog, or following us on Facebook and Twitter.  Hoping to get these things all merged together with Ang's help  http://www.aspoonfulofsugar.net/wp/   I might also have to try persuading you all to read your emails a bit more often as we had very little response from the very first email we sent out with a couple of questions about how best to advertise or contact you.

Finally, I may be the only person who actually reads the Observer (Kingswood, not national) but if there are any others like me, you may have noticed that WINGs is mentioned this week.  You may also see a familiar face in the Evening Post this Saturday.

Mandy (media darling!!)

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

First Meeting 1st July

It hardly feels like there's been time to breathe since the launch and we're straight into the proper meeting.  All sorts of things to still sort out but time is short and job is full time!

Come along on Thursday.  We've got a whole new look at Etiquette, courtesy of William Hanson of The English Manner.  If you're of a gardening nature, bring along a packet of seeds to swap ( or a bundle of packets). 

Currently trying to work out the logistics of serving wine in non-licensed premises so any suggestions for that will be more than welcome. July meeting may have to resort to trip to wine bar at the end for those who are that way inclined.

Off now to purchase necessaries.  See you on Thursday...

Friday, 25 June 2010

And then it was all over....

Tuesday June 22nd has been and gone, and the launch went without too many hitches!  We had a great turnout for our first night.  30 new Next Generation ladies gathered at the wine bar for an evening of (for some) alcohol-fuelled enjoyment!  

The laughter man did exactly what it said on the tin, and made us laugh.  

We were belted and necklaced by our lovely accessories lady,
but sadly no kickboxing - another time perhaps. 

Our first fundraising efforts in the form of a raffle raised £29 so all in all, a great start I think.

Now, back to the drawing board to revamp the posters and flyers for the 1st 'proper meeting'.  If anyone can help putting leaflets through doors or can put up a poster at work, let me know.  wingskeynsham@hotmail.co.uk

Mandy x

Friday, 18 June 2010

The final countdown....

(Cue terrible 80s big hair rock music)

Only 4 days to go.   2 committee meetings in the last 2 weeks and committee is getting smaller.  I'm running through lists like a mad person, paranoid that I'm going to forget something really obvious.  All speakers are booked, timings confirmed, wine bar visited for the umpteenth time (pig of a job, but somebody has to do it).

Final bit of leafletting and terrifying poor female passers-by on the high street, and then I think there's nothing more to be done.

Relax and hope that loads of folk turn up on the night, speakers arrive on time, and everyone enjoys themselves.

Looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday - I'll be lurking somewhere with a glass of wine in my hand!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

What's On

Don't forget to check out our 'what's on' page.  It's updated regularly.

Prepare to be 'wowed'!

Just heard from our image consultant.  Session at the launch will be ‘WOW them with accessories’ – how to update your look and look fab.

Think I might be volunteering myself for this one!!

Friday, 4 June 2010

Launch update

We now have our speakers for the launch meeting at the Wine Bar on 22nd June.  We'll start with a bit of an intro from me and the girls, and Daphne our W.I. Federation lady telling us some important stuff, then we've got some short and (hopefully!) fun sessions:


laughter workshop  http://www.joehoare.co.uk/

image consultant from House of Colour http://www.jackiefranklin.co.uk/JanFebNewsletter.htm

Plenty of time left to chat, have a drink and find out more.

Hope you'll be able to come!

If not, the first proper meeting will be at the Fear Institute on Thursday 1st July starting at 7.30pm, and then once a month on the first Thursday of the month after that.


Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Mandy muttering on

Haven't quite got the hang of this blogging lark yet.  Thought I could have a page to myself to post to, and keep the main page clear for stuff that folk might actually be interested in, but apparently not.  Hey ho - have abandoned mutterings, moved the Launch to its own page (was trying to keep that at the top of this page but couldn't do that either).
Main muttering of the moment is Emma's wedding last weekend.  Congratulations Emma and Jason!  And here's the woman herself with yours truly at the evening event at the New Inn. 

Was going to tell you all sorts of good stuff about my trip to Brighton and good shops for foodies and a couple of restaurant recommendations, but not sure now that this is the time or the place.  I might have to start a separate blog so I can mutter away happily!

(Wouldn't recommend The Mill at Rode in Somerset.  Wine costs £4.35 for a large glass which turns out to be only 175 ml which is a small glass in most pubs.  Also, the barmaid was very dismissive and unhelpful on the day we were there.  Bah!)
I was going to say, "Mill at Rode - wish we'd Rode on by" but that might be a bit corny!!

Thursday, 29 April 2010


We have a date for our first meeting!

22nd June, 7.30pm at Keynsham Wine Bar.

We'll have drinks and nibbles, a couple of speakers and a lovely lady from the Avon Federation of Women's Institutes to tell us all the bits that we need to know.

We're hoping to have sub-groups (cake-baking club, film group, Keynsham lobby group, businesswomen unite, choir - whatever floats your boat!). Sign up on the night.

We've got loads of ideas for speakers and sessions but can always use more, so it you're harbouring a desire to share your love of stained glass making or would love to learn how to make a tostada or how to get the best out of your camera, we'd love to hear your ideas. The W.I. belongs to its members so join up and let us know what you want from your Next Generation Women's Institute.

Look forward to meeting you!


(First meeting is £3.00. Annual W.I. membership £29.50)