Friday 18 June 2010

The final countdown....

(Cue terrible 80s big hair rock music)

Only 4 days to go.   2 committee meetings in the last 2 weeks and committee is getting smaller.  I'm running through lists like a mad person, paranoid that I'm going to forget something really obvious.  All speakers are booked, timings confirmed, wine bar visited for the umpteenth time (pig of a job, but somebody has to do it).

Final bit of leafletting and terrifying poor female passers-by on the high street, and then I think there's nothing more to be done.

Relax and hope that loads of folk turn up on the night, speakers arrive on time, and everyone enjoys themselves.

Looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday - I'll be lurking somewhere with a glass of wine in my hand!

1 comment:

Emma said...

I'm actually rather fond of a bit of Europe, I have it on my ipod! Thats a nice one of you Mandy - I look a bit manic unfortunatley!